Monday, 13 December 2010

Astrology Pop-Up Shop 2011

The Pop-Up Astrology Shop with Lynda Hill, Jessica Adams, Adam Smith and Julian Venables

For a limited time only, Julian Venables will be joined by Jessica Adams (2020 Vision, Essential Astrology for Women, Cosmopolitan, The Australian Women's Weekly), Adam Smith (Saturn - Fatal Attraction, The Sun-Herald, The Sunday Age) and Lynda Hill (The Sabian Symbols Oracle) for a unique Astrology Pop-Up Shop in January. If you would like a half-hour telephone reading for the year ahead, 2011, and a detailed written report about your year, please email your name and details to Julian to receive further details.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Visiting Turkey November 2010

I will be visiting Istanbul in Turkey between November 2-14, 2010
Giving workshops, presentations and offering consultations.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Upcoming astrology lectures in London and Brighton.

I giving 2 lectures in September
Thursday 16th September: 'Mercury Retrograde' at the Brighton and Hove astrology circle, 8pm start, £5.
Email me for more details.
Monday 27th September: 'The Jupiter/Uranus planetary cycle' at The Astrological Lodge of London, 50 Gloucester Place, London (nearest tube Baker Street) 7.00-9.30pm (my lecture 8.30-9.30), £8.
I hope you can make them and I look forward to seeing you there!